
One would not equate cookies with pizza but this young baker has done just that – if only in name.
“PizzaMyHeart Cookies is a representation of the love and bond that I have with my son Nicholas. Pizza is a huge part of our relationship and with starting the business, it was a must to be included,” explained Marcela Cardenas, owner of the custom homemade cookie business.
Cardenas sells homemade cookies that she and her son enjoy who not only gets to eat her cookies but also helps her in the kitchen. “We do not follow the trends. We just make things the way we want. The bigger the better! Things you can’t find just anywhere is the goal with every cookie created,” she stated with enthusiasm.
“The cookies we produce are always bigger than traditional. They are made with simple clean ingredients that not only taste phenomenal but appear that way as well. Our cookies are almost always described as "THICC" because we don't believe in making flat cookies here,” she added.
Marcela Cardenas is only 26 years old. She was born and raised in Southern California. She is a single mother of one pizza/cookie loving five-year-old. They are only a family of two and spend their free time baking or trying new pizza spots in town.
The business concept began when her son was in preschool and being a single mother with growing expenses, she decided to use her talent in baking though she had no experience in launching herself as an entrepreneur.
“Everything I have accomplished has been trial and error and I have had to learn many many lessons,” Cardenas pointed out.
PizzaMyHeart Cookies has now been operating for two years and added two employees.
“We have Suzanna with @shotbysvz she has been with us for about 8 months now. She handles our photography, prep work and is just my right hand at public events. We also have Kaitlyn, she is new to the team but is our media manager. She replies to all messages, keeps our bookings organized and ensures that our clients are getting booked as quickly as possible,” she said.
Word of mouth has been the largest marketing tool for Cardenas. Once she started selling, every new order was a recommendation of a past client.
Her customers include teenagers all the way to grandparents. They order online and pick up from her home.
“Our clients are at a complete range. I also have met people who have driven three plus hours just to purchase our cookies,” she commented.
Cardenas stated that during the pandemic, she saw a spike in the orders so much so that she decided to leave her day job. Her bookings currently are three months or more in advance. She is now selling a minimum of 800 cookies a month. Her Instagram account already has 2,018 followers. The customized decorated cookies orders are booked until January 2022.
The biggest challenge she faced during the pandemic was accessing simple supplies like butter, eggs, and four. “Things that used to take me a day to find now took weeks, long out of control lines, limits on everything we needed in bulk. It was the hardest part about the growth,” she pointed out.
However, the post-pandemic plans include expanding the line. She said she loves her brand and wants to eventually launch into merchandise that her clients can purchase and wear proudly. One day, down the road as her business expands, she may consider opening a store. But right now she is enjoying growing her business with her son.
To order from Pizzamyheart Cookies, best to visit
Cardenas can be found on Instagram: